Blog My Soul is the store front for the ruminations of this Lutheran cleric on liturgy and the Divine Service, Lutheran culture, sermons, devotional writing, tidbits from some of the projects I am working on. Above all else, Blog My Soul is a very personal endeavor, so ‘professional’ pieces will appear along side pictures of the grandchildren, commentary, and eclectic bits of life lived out as a child of God praying “Come, Lord Jesus.”
Author: I am a pastor in the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. After serving parishes in southern Illinois and Michigan, I currently serve as senior editor and consumer product developer at Concordia Publishing House.
My writings & principle editorial works:
- Author: Team Teaching Works, Teacher’s Interaction, vol 46, no. 2 Winter 2004
- Author: Prayer Doesn’t Begin with Us, Teacher’s Interaction, vol 47, no. 4 Summer 2006
- Author: Worshiping with Angles and Archangels: An Introduction to the Divine Service, Concordia Publishing House 2006
- Contributing Editor: Blessings and Prayers for Women: A Devotional Companion, Concordia Publishing House 2004
- Contributing Editor: Blessings and Prayers for Man: A Devotional Companion, Concordia Publishing House 2005
- Contributing Editor: Blessings and Prayers for College Students: A Devotional Companion, Concordia Publishing House 2005
- General Editor: Lutheran Book of Prayer, 5th Edition, Concordia Publishing House 2005
- Co-Editor: Visitation: Resources for the Care of Souls (with Arthur A. Just Jr.), Concordia Publishing House 2008
- General Editor: Treasury of Daily Prayer, Concordia Publishing House, 2008
- General Editor: Lutheranism 101, Concordia Publishing House, 2010